Redirection Thoughts during Covid
Posted by suzanne at November 25th, 2020
Individuals anticipate retirement and envision it as a time for leisure and recreation, travelling and an opportunity to do many things that they have put off. However, once retired, they realize that they are longing for the structure, sense of purpose, and fulfillment of a career.
Or they feel like something is missing from their lives. Perhaps they feel not busy and not useful or not productive enough.
Sometimes something happens to make you stop and think.
Right now during the pandemic, you have the gift of time and space to focus on yourself and your redirection. It is an opportunity to ponder the next chapter and next steps.
Use your creativity and out-of-box thinking about opportunities that you would enjoy and find fulfilling. Talk to important loved ones – family and friends – in your social circle and share what you are thinking.
New ideas, new directions – your redirection – can come from the spark of an idea that you discover during this unique time in human history.
Once you have found your redirection, take the time needed to map out and plan it.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your redirection.

Category: Active Engagement, Aging Workforce, Career, Health and Wellness, Life and Living, Longevity, New Retirement, Redirection, Social Participation, Vital Engagement