Workshop Series
Posted by suzanne on Jun 7, 2021
It is exciting to share that a new workshop series is beginning June 8th, 2021. The series is entitled Pandemic Recovery Series Conquering Ageism in Employment and is hosted by the Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association (BCNA). It will assist mature workers who are looking for work and seeking a meaningful challenge.
Career Coach Ann Marie Gilroy and I are co-leading the series. It runs June 8th, 15th, and 22nd. It is free to attend.
Pre-register through this link:
For more information visit:

Category: Active Engagement, Aging, Aging Population, Aging Workforce, Business, Career, Economic Issues, Health and Wellness, Intergenerational, Lifelong Learning, Longevity, New Retirement, Redirection, Relationships, Social Participation, Social Policy, The Redirection Project, Vital Engagement, Work

Healthcare Workers
Posted by suzanne on Jan 4, 2021
During the pandemic, there have been on-going labour force shortages in healthcare with a large demand for nurses, personal support workers and physicians, as well as cleaning staff.
Staff shortages make it difficult to provide patient-centred care in hospitals and Long-term Care (LTC) homes. There are a variety of surveys and news reports on the crisis in healthcare staffing. One recent survey found that 95% of LTC homes reported a shortage in staff. In response to this survey, many healthcare professionals also stated that residents were not being properly fed and hydrated.
Unfortunately this fall, staff and residents in LTC are getting sick from Covid-19 just like they did in the spring of 2020. This creates more pressure on our healthcare system.
Healthcare staff are feeling the heavy burden. They are asking for assistance as Covid-19 infections increase.
Retirees are taking up the call. They want to help and are returning to work to provide care during Covid-19. Marg Miller is among them.
It’s time to develop formal return-to-work programs for mature workers who retire and have the knowledge and skills required to make a difference in the workplace. These professionals are making a difference during a time of great need.
Why isn’t there a provincial/territorial program to help them with the return-to-work?

Category: Aging, Aging Population, Aging Workforce, Health and Wellness, New Retirement, Work

Dedicated Volunteer, Sadly Let Go
Posted by suzanne on Dec 3, 2020
This week, I listened with great interest to the story of Izzy McQueen, an 88-year-old dedicated Santa’s helper in BC.
Thirty-five years of volunteer service! What an achievement! Congratulations for your commitment to sending out thoughtful and compassionate letters to children.
What a shock to be let go from meaningful community work; and with a voice message!
I am impressed with Izzy McQueen’s work and her experiences as a Santa elf. What a dynamo! She thought she could do it, and she did! The postal service should have given her ‘grand’ recognition for her tireless work as a dedicated volunteer to children and adults alike, in Canada and around the world.
Thanks to Daybreak Kamloops with Shelley Joyce for covering this story on Dec 1st, 2020.

Category: Active Engagement, Health and Wellness, Intergenerational, Life and Living, Longevity, Redirection, Social Participation, Vital Engagement

Redirection Thoughts during Covid
Posted by suzanne on Nov 25, 2020
Individuals anticipate retirement and envision it as a time for leisure and recreation, travelling and an opportunity to do many things that they have put off. However, once retired, they realize that they are longing for the structure, sense of purpose, and fulfillment of a career.
Or they feel like something is missing from their lives. Perhaps they feel not busy and not useful or not productive enough.
Sometimes something happens to make you stop and think.
Right now during the pandemic, you have the gift of time and space to focus on yourself and your redirection. It is an opportunity to ponder the next chapter and next steps.
Use your creativity and out-of-box thinking about opportunities that you would enjoy and find fulfilling. Talk to important loved ones – family and friends – in your social circle and share what you are thinking.
New ideas, new directions – your redirection – can come from the spark of an idea that you discover during this unique time in human history.
Once you have found your redirection, take the time needed to map out and plan it.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your redirection.

Category: Active Engagement, Aging Workforce, Career, Health and Wellness, Life and Living, Longevity, New Retirement, Redirection, Social Participation, Vital Engagement

Inspiring Others and Making a Difference
Posted by suzanne on May 11, 2020
Canada cares. Volunteering and donating are foundational activities in our country. We get involved and support others. We inspire each other when we work together towards important community goals.
And it’s never too late to make a difference. In fact, John Hillman, a 101-year-old Second World War veteran, is walking 101 laps around his retirement home in Victoria, British Columbia in order to raise money for charity.
Hillman was inspired by Captain Tom Moore in the UK. Captain Tom completed 100 laps and raised an incredible £23m.
In turn, Hillman is inspiring others and making a difference in his community — at age 101.
What does Hillman inspire you to do?
Posted by suzanne on Nov 24, 2019
When we think about health in later life, much attention is on illness and chronic conditions. Research has often focused on illness and disease in later life, overemphasizing this as part of aging when it is possible for individuals to manage health issues and maintain a positive perspective on aging.
Older adults are healthier than in previous generations. In addition, life expectancy has increased significantly over the past 100 years. In the past, people would not live into their 60s, 70s or 80s. For example, my grandfather passed away just shy of his 100th birthday.
Many factors influence longevity. Research has discovered protective genes and environmental factors that influence life expectancy and longevity.
People continue to live with chronic health conditions such as diabetes. Individuals can manage different health issues while continuing to work, volunteer and provide caregiving to others. These activities are meaningful to individuals, families, communities and society in general. Fulfilling and satisfying activities provide broad health benefits such as belonging, social interaction and a sense of purpose. All of this contributes to mental health while keeping individuals connected to their communities.
More research should examine these protective health factors during later life rather than focusing solely on the health issues and risks.

Category: Active Engagement, Aging, Aging Population, Aging Workforce, Career, Family, Health and Wellness, Research, Social Policy

Directions For Living
Posted by suzanne on May 16, 2018
Redirection is finding a new direction for living life.This means transferring your skills and abilities,
Using your knowledge and experience in a new way.
Redirection is about setting a new goal.
When you find your redirection, you find what fuels you,
And what gives you purpose.
This helps to invigorate and revitalize.
It feeds your soul.
Finding your redirection is satisfying and fulfilling.
It feels like your heart expands to embrace the universe;
The top of your head lifts off as you understand your purpose and
You feel what makes you whole.

Category: Aging, Health and Wellness, Longevity, Redirection
If not now, then when?
Posted by suzanne on Oct 12, 2017
Incredible motivation, or lack thereof. Motivation is a great strength. It makes a big difference when working towards goals and objectives. As with all things in life, success and achievement take work. High motivation makes it happen.
Searching for the ‘next challenge?’ Strong motivation can be an asset when making this transition – an occupational redirection or change in your life. It takes work to redirect and the pathway forward may not be clear.
Motivation is key
Let’s be honest. Nothing is easy. Work is involved in redirecting. Forethought and effort are required. It is possible to lose motivation, or temporary ‘misplace’ it. Sometimes motivation is ‘low’ or lacking. It is a huge downfall when motivation is absent. This is when motivation must be recaptured.
At other times, success comes more slowly than expected; therefore, motivation needs to be sustained. Transition takes time. In addition, it is not easy to maintain motivation when the going gets tough. Everyone needs a push forward now and again. Using a mantra is one way to increase motivation. The Mottos to Motivate in the image above may help when choosing a new mantra. A motto or mantra can help people to reach toward their goals and keep moving forward.
To stimulate motivation, it often helps to look back on previous accomplishments. Once you have reached a certain age, it is possible to gain greater perspective and realize that many obstacles and hardships have already been overcome in life. This indicates how resilient people just keep trying. They eventually achieve goals and objectives through hard work and perseverance. It is possible to look to previous experiences and see how resilience made it possible to overcome barriers. Being a resilient person helped to keep you motivated and moving forward.
Today, it is important to take steps towards your redirection.
It is up to you. If not now, then when?
I will discuss additional tips for motivation in my next post.

Category: Active Engagement, Aging, Health and Wellness, Life and Living, Lifelong Learning, New Retirement, Work

Movers and Shakers and Best Breakfast Choices
Posted by suzanne on May 4, 2017
People share with me that they want to continue to be active and engaged in the community. They want to create a retirement lifestyle that they can enjoy for the next few decades. They envision and anticipate spending time in volunteer or paid work roles, engaged in travel or pursuing leisure and recreation activities during their retirement. Some individuals expect to accomplish all of the above, which is wonderful.
Being active and engaged requires good energy to start the day.
With active living, it is especially important to select foods that are healthy and nutritious. In addition, individuals want to take better care of themselves.
Which foods provide good nutrition? After discussing nutrition and diet with my colleague Sandra Crowe, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, we decided to create a joint video blog about healthy breakfasts that individuals can choose for an energetic day. This will assist people who are eager for knowledge and information conducive to an active lifestyle and increased healthspan.
View the video to learn more about the ways to emphasize high protein and low carb healthy breakfast options.
Movers and Shakers and Healthy Breakfasts
It is important to have enough energy for the day. It all starts with a healthy breakfast.
You can sign up for Sandra’s blog at

Category: Active Engagement, Aging, Health and Wellness, Life and Living, Longevity, New Retirement
Seven Dimensions of Active Aging
Posted by suzanne on Apr 30, 2017
Thanks to our aging population, increasing numbers of people are reaching mid-life. They have made it to a certain age and realize they need step it up a bit to maintain their health. Some decide they need to work harder in order to become healthier.
In fact, people are paying more attention to the benefits of healthier, more active lifestyles across the lifespan. It is possible to improve health by working at it. The objective is for people to have not only increased lifespans, but increased healthspans. The approach of using the seven dimensions of active aging can help.
The seven dimensions of active aging is a model for health and wellness. I often share this model when people are interested in learning more about health, wellness and aging and want to understand how to live fuller, healthier lives. This model helps people to design a rich, well-rounded lifestyle and set goals for health and wellness.
The seven dimensions of active aging are the key areas to be aware of for healthy aging in order to improve the quality of life as individuals age. The seven dimensions of health and wellness are:
- Cognitive – brain health
- Physical – body fitness and sexuality
- Psychological – emotional health
- Social – relationships and social connections
- Spiritual – divine, psychic and transcendent
- Occupational – vocation, work and calling
- Environmental – the natural and build world
With this holistic approach to health and wellness, these dimensions are interconnected to create the whole person and their life. Being active and engaged helps individuals by stimulating at least one, and often, many of these dimensions. It is important to live a balanced lifestyle so that each of these dimensions are developed or stimulated. This is what individuals strive to achieve.
The Canadian population is aging and there are more older adults than previously. People are also living longer today than ever before. They want to live longer and healthier lives. They want to maintain or even improve their health and are paying more attention to health and wellness in order to achieve health-related goals and objectives. Healthspan is very important. The seven dimensions provide a broad perspective of the best ways to think about health and wellness. In addition, the dimensions indicate the areas for improvement in order to live healthier, more satisfying lives.

Category: Aging, Aging Population, Health and Wellness, Life and Living, Longevity, Relationships, Work