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Techno-Savvy?: Seniors Are Lifelong Learners
Posted by suzanne on Jan 24, 2014
Older adults are lifelong learners. They like to learn new things and there is a need to celebrate the learning of all age groups. This is especially the true for seniors. The myth that older adults don’t like technology is being challenged; more and more older adults are embracing technology.
Often, older adults jump at the chance to be shown how technology can make a difference in their lives and how they can better use it. I hear anecdotal reports of grandchildren teaching a grandparent how to use a cell phone or iPad. The wonders of technology can be taught intergenerationally, as the program Cyber-Seniors and the great new documentary film of the same name indicate.
Older adults’ openness to technology is evident when statistics on technology use are reported. More than half of seniors are on-line. Those age 65 and older use the Internet and email, with technology users usually active on-line on a daily basis. For example, among those seniors who use the Internet, 70% go on-line daily. This breaks stereotypes many of us hold of older adults!
Seniors like to research government websites, obtain financial information, such as stock quotes or check mortgage rates, or search for health information on-line. And 44% of seniors age 65 to 73 watch videos on-line, with 34% of them visiting social media sites. In addition, a large proportion of seniors – 7 out of 10 – own a cell phone. Check out the PEW report on Older Adults and Internet Use.
Stimulating curiosity and intellectual growth and development are the real joys of learning. Grey hair or not, we are all lifelong learners! Sometimes older adults need support and encouragement to try something new. It is time to debunk negative stereotypes of aging and develop more intergenerational programs. There is great joy and vitality when the generations interact. A special opportunity to view Cyber-Seniors is available through the Peterborough International Film Festival this weekend.

Category: Aging, Aging Population, Lifelong Learning, Research

Supporting Healthy and Successful Aging: Tech-Savvy Seniors
Posted by suzanne on Oct 15, 2012
The Philips Center for Health and Well-being recently conducted a survey on technology use among those age 65 plus. They polled 501 adults, age 18 to 64, as well as 500 adults age 65 plus and found that we underestimate how tech-savvy older adults are.
- 54% of those 65 plus state they are comfortable using technology
- 27% use technology to support a healthier lifestyle
- 28% use Facebook regularly
- 25% use YouTube regularly
Helping seniors to become more tech-savvy as they age is an important part of healthy aging. It is critical to continue learning and stimulating the brain, and on-line knowledge and information is important in today’s society.
I remember being very proud of my elders who embraced computers and tried out email and Facebook. Now I see more and more seniors using social media regularly.
If you have computer or technical knowledge to share with someone, have you considered educating a senior?
Check out the Philips Center for Health and Well-being.

Category: Aging, Lifelong Learning