Healthcare Workers
Posted by suzanne at January 4th, 2021
During the pandemic, there have been on-going labour force shortages in healthcare with a large demand for nurses, personal support workers and physicians, as well as cleaning staff.
Staff shortages make it difficult to provide patient-centred care in hospitals and Long-term Care (LTC) homes. There are a variety of surveys and news reports on the crisis in healthcare staffing. One recent survey found that 95% of LTC homes reported a shortage in staff. In response to this survey, many healthcare professionals also stated that residents were not being properly fed and hydrated.
Unfortunately this fall, staff and residents in LTC are getting sick from Covid-19 just like they did in the spring of 2020. This creates more pressure on our healthcare system.
Healthcare staff are feeling the heavy burden. They are asking for assistance as Covid-19 infections increase.
Retirees are taking up the call. They want to help and are returning to work to provide care during Covid-19. Marg Miller is among them.
It’s time to develop formal return-to-work programs for mature workers who retire and have the knowledge and skills required to make a difference in the workplace. These professionals are making a difference during a time of great need.
Why isn’t there a provincial/territorial program to help them with the return-to-work?

Category: Aging, Aging Population, Aging Workforce, Health and Wellness, New Retirement, Work