Mature Workers and Technology
Posted by suzanne at December 27th, 2020
Baby Boomers are embracing and using technology during the pandemic. Digital technology makes life easier and helps us manage daily activities better during Covid-19.
Not only are Boomers using technology. A new study indicates that Boomers have adopted innovative and time saving technologies such as virtual medical appointments and curbside pick up at a rapid pace compared to pre-Covid. These findings can help change perceptions about Boomers ignoring technological innovation being slow to accept new technology. The findings prove that Boomers are using technology and adapting their lives.
Innovation happens quickly and it is true that the digital technology available today was not available a couple of decades ago. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that Baby Boomers are the generation who had to adapt to rapid technological change as computers entered the workplace. The reality is that technological advances were made across all industries impacting Boomers and their work.
This survey indicates that Boomers are adopting new technology faster than expected. Good on them for proving people wrong!

Category: Aging Population, Business, Lifelong Learning, Research