Remembrance Day
Posted by suzanne at November 11th, 2012
On November 11th, individuals across Canada will pay tribute to those killed by war and military operations, those who never returned home. These men and women died for what they believed in and for Canada. We remember them.
Some Canadians stop and remember their loved ones – friends and family members – who died. Some think about these sacrifices but have no one to specifically pay tribute to for their courage, strength and determination.
Older adults who have real stories to tell about war are the best teachers for young people who are learning about Remembrance Day. It is wonderful to see schools inviting guest speakers for their ceremonies. Many schools put on an impressive, moving Remembrance Day ceremony. I wonder what synergies would result if, in addition to inviting a senior or two who served in military operations, schools made an effort to invite seniors living in the surrounding community and neighbourhood to attend the ceremony as well.
The importance of Remembrance Day is best expressed through intergenerational learning about the men and women who served Canada and made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of younger generations. History comes to life and helps all ages to remember.

Category: Aging, Intergenerational, Lifelong Learning